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Engineering RPO Services

The Ultimate Guide to Engineering RPO Services for Efficient Hiring

Explore how engineering RPO services work and the benefits they offer, and discover the five leading recruitment agencies for hiring engineers.

The Ultimate Guide to Engineering RPO Services for Efficient Hiring


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Key Takeaways

  1. The engineering industry faces several significant hiring challenges, including a skills gap, high demand, and poor retention rates. 
  2. Engineering RPO services leverage industry expertise and specialized networks to effectively recruit complex and diverse engineering roles.
  3. Positive impacts of engineering RPO include access to niche talent pools, improved time to hire, and enhanced quality of candidates.

Engineering is one of the most difficult roles to recruit for—it requires a unique combination of technical skills, experience, and technological proficiency. One role may need extensive experience in mining operations, while another might require proficiency in a niche programming language. 

Given how diverse and complex engineering roles can be, sourcing qualified talent quickly and effectively is a challenge for many organizations. Engineering recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) can relieve some of that pressure by leveraging specialized recruitment strategies to find and attract skilled candidates. 

This article will explore the key elements of engineering RPO services, their benefits, and the industry-specific challenges they face. We’ve also curated a short list of key players in the engineering RPO space so that you know where to start looking if you need recruitment assistance. 

What Is Engineering RPO?

RPO is when a company transfers all or part of its recruitment functions to an external service provider. Engineering RPO focuses specifically on filling engineering roles by leveraging the knowledge of experienced recruiters. 

These providers manage the entire recruitment process, from defining strategy to sourcing and screening candidates. Their experience allows them to conduct thorough technical assessments and access networks of high-quality candidates. 

Benefits of Engineering RPO Services

Understanding the unique benefits of RPO services is key to appreciating why organizations are adopting this recruitment model. Here are five compelling advantages:

Access to niche talent pools

Employers often struggle to find candidates with the right combination of technical expertise and experience. Traditional recruitment methods may not always reach highly specialized talent pools. 

But engineering RPO services have developed extensive networks and databases of specialized candidates and can tap into these niche candidate pools that may otherwise be inaccessible. 

Improved time to hire

Extended vacancies in critical engineering positions can delay projects and escalate costs. The difficult process of sifting through resumes, conducting interviews, and coordinating schedules can be time-consuming. 

RPO services streamline this process, using proven strategies and best practices to reduce time to hire. Their specialized knowledge and dedicated resources allow them to fill roles faster, ensuring projects remain on track. 

Enhanced quality of hire

Poor hires can be incredibly costly, both financially and in terms of project setbacks. Employers who aren’t deeply familiar with engineering roles may struggle to accurately assess candidates’ technical capabilities.

However, engineering RPO providers employ experts who conduct thorough screenings, technical assessments, and cultural fit evaluations to present only the most suitable candidates. 

Scalability and flexibility

Fluctuating recruitment needs make it difficult for businesses to maintain an in-house recruiting team. During peak hiring periods, they may become overwhelmed. On the other hand, they might be underutilized in quieter times. 

By contracting engineering RPO services, you access scalable solutions that can be adjusted based on current needs. Whether you require a single hire or high-volume staffing, RPO companies can ramp resources up or down accordingly. 

Cost efficiency

The recruiting process can be expensive, especially if your internal HR team is underqualified or overworked. The indirect costs of vacant roles or low-quality hires only add to this expense. 

Engineering RPO services can reduce cost per hire or even connect you with remote professionals who have lower salary expectations than local candidates. 

5 Key Players in Engineering RPO

When it comes to engineering recruitment, selecting a proven partner is critical. We’ve put together five engineering RPO services that have a great reputation for sourcing and placing top talent. The list is in no particular order, as each has strengths and specialties. 

1. Near

Hey, that’s us! We’re up first because we love connecting companies with talented engineers from Latin America (LatAm). At Near, we find, hire, onboard, pay, and retain candidates for you so that you can focus on building your business. 

Just ask Bonfire, who worked with us to hire a UX engineer and saved $53,000 in annual expenses. Hiring in the US was impossible for them, but with Near’s help, they filled the role quickly (twice as fast as their typical time to hire) and found a long-term fit. 

2. OSI Engineering

OSI Engineering specializes in customized RPO services for technical and engineering roles. This company is known for its ability to source highly specialized candidates for niche positions. 

With a combination of industry expertise, innovative recruitment technologies, and a vast talent network, OSI Engineering ensures clients receive top-tier engineering talent. 

3. Orion Talent

Orion Talent focuses on military veterans with engineering backgrounds, among other diverse talent pools. Its RPO services meet the unique demands of engineering recruitment, providing clients with scalable, flexible talent solutions.

Matching highly skilled veteran engineers with the right opportunities is a commendable approach, and Orion Talent is a strategic partner for businesses seeking disciplined candidates. 

4. Cielo

Cielo leverages cutting-edge recruitment technology and market insights to deliver exceptional engineering RPO services. Known for its client-centric, holistic approach, Cielo focuses on tailored recruitment strategies for each client. 

Its extensive experience across industries, including advanced manufacturing, healthcare, and STEM, helps it to find and attract top talent. 

5. Broadleaf

Broadleaf’s comprehensive RPO services focus on industries like aerospace, semiconductors, and energy. Its commitment to data-driven recruitment and robust talent acquisition strategies make it a reliable partner for sourcing high-level engineering professionals. 

How Engineering RPO Works

Engineering RPO involves a series of well-coordinated steps to identify, attract, and hire the most qualified candidates. Here’s how the process works:

1. Needs assessment and strategy development

An effective recruitment process begins with a thorough needs assessment. The RPO provider collaborates with your organization to understand your specific hiring requirements, company culture, and long-term goals. 

This involves analyzing current recruiting challenges, defining key performance indicators (KPIs), and developing a customized recruitment strategy tailored to your engineering needs. 

2. Sourcing and attraction

Not all top candidates are actively looking for a job. Engineering RPO providers use their extensive networks and databases to identify the most qualified engineers, making them aware of and interested in the job opportunity. 

They conduct an executive search for high-level positions to find, attract, and evaluate potential candidates for mid-management through C-suite roles.

3. Screening and assessment

Once a pool of candidates has been identified, the RPO provider puts each one through a rigorous screening process. This includes evaluating candidate resumes, conducting technical interviews, and administering relevant aptitude tests. 

4. Shortlisting and presentation

After thorough screening, the RPO provider compiles a shortlist of top candidates and presents them to your hiring managers. Each candidate profile includes detailed assessments and relevant documentation.

They then facilitate interviews, coordinate schedules, and manage communication between candidates and your organization. 

5. Offer management and onboarding

Once a candidate is selected, the provider assists with offer management, including negotiating terms and extending contracts. They also support the onboarding process, ensuring that new hires are smoothly integrated into your organization. 

When you partner with certain engineering recruitment firms like Near, you can also receive payroll and compliance assistance for remote international hires. With comprehensive RPO services, adding top engineering candidates from LatAm is a breeze.

Industry-Specific Challenges in Engineering RPO

While RPO services offer significant benefits, they’re not without challenges. The complexities involved in recruiting engineering roles can be demanding. Here are some of the most common challenges:

Skill gap in the engineering industry

One of the most pervasive challenges is the engineering industry’s skill gap. According to reports, more than 70% of engineering and R&D-focused businesses report talent gaps that are widening as baby boomers retire more quickly than new graduates enter the field. 

Bridging this gap requires a keen focus on both experienced professionals and fresh (often international) talent ready to take on the industry.

High demand for engineering professionals

The demand for engineering professionals is at an all-time high, creating an extremely competitive recruitment landscape. Between 2022 and 2032, overall employment in architecture and engineering is projected to grow faster than the average for all other occupations.

This high demand pressures HR teams to move quickly and efficiently to secure top talent before competitors do. 

Retention of top-tier talent

Getting talent into your company is one challenge; keeping it is another entirely. John Kissinger, CEO of GRAEF, notes that the labor shortage and retention of civil engineers has been their “No. 1 problem for a while.” 

Engineering RPO services must attract top talent and work closely with clients to implement effective retention strategies.

Niche expertise and knowledge

Engineering roles often demand highly specialized expertise that isn’t always available in the general talent market. AI skills are one example: As Ken Mugrage notes in the MIT Tech Review, “the future of generative AI is niche and specialized, contrary to what much mainstream conversation would have you believe.”

RPO providers need a deep understanding of these specialized areas to effectively source and evaluate candidates with the unique skills required for a given engineering role. 

Things To Look For in an Engineering RPO Partner

Not all RPO providers are created equal, so evaluating some key factors is necessary to ensure you partner with one that aligns with your business goals. 

Look for things like:

  • Effective talent acquisition process: Proven, data-driven methods of attracting and retaining top engineering talent
  • Technology and AI: Advanced recruitment tech and AI-driven tools to streamline the hiring process
  • Strategic partnerships: A commitment to understanding their clients’ culture, values, and long-term recruitment goals
  • Streamlined recruitment: Efficient processes focused on reducing time to hire without compromising quality
  • Seamless candidate experience: Prioritizing a positive candidate experience from initial contact through onboarding

Focusing on these criteria can help you select an engineering RPO partner that meets your immediate hiring needs and supports your long-term talent acquisition goals.

Final Thoughts

RPO services offer a strategic solution to the complex, competitive nature of engineering recruitment. With specialized recruitment expertise, advanced technologies, and efficiencies of scale, these providers can help you secure top-tier talent faster and more effectively. 

Top engineering talent is just a step away. If you’re ready to optimize your engineer recruitment processes and add qualified engineering professionals to your team within 21 days, book a free, no-commitment call with one of Near’s hiring experts.

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