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Where To Hire Accounts Receivable Talent?

Where To Hire Offshore Accounts Receivable Talent: LatAm, India, or the Philippines?

Discover the best choice for your business when it comes to hiring offshore accounts receivable talent from LatAm vs. India vs. the Philippines.

Where To Hire Offshore Accounts Receivable Talent: LatAm, India, or the Philippines?


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Key Takeaways

  1. Accounts receivable offshoring involves delegating the function of collecting outstanding invoices and managing customer payments to a remote team or individual in a different country.
  2. These regions are similar in many ways, with key differences being cost, time zones, and English proficiency.
  3. While India and the Philippines have lower labor costs, Latin America has the unique advantage of proximity and time zone alignment, often saving companies money in the long run.

Many companies are turning to offshore solutions for their accounts receivable needs to enhance cost efficiency, streamline operations, and leverage global talent. 

However, the decision on where to hire this talent can be daunting. Three regions have emerged as some of the most popular for outsourcing accounts receivable: Latin America (LatAm), India, and the Philippines. Each region offers distinctive advantages and challenges that can impact your business.

This article is essential for any organization contemplating the best choice between hiring offshore accounts receivable talent from LatAm vs. India vs. the Philippines. 

We will explore key factors like cost benefits, time zone compatibility, cultural alignment, language proficiency, and the overall quality of the talent pool. 

What Is Accounts Receivable Offshoring?

Accounts receivable offshoring involves delegating the tasks of collecting outstanding invoices and managing customer payments to a team or individual in a different country. 

This strategic move allows companies to leverage global talent, often at a fraction of the cost associated with in-house operations, benefiting from the expertise and efficiencies of specialized offshore service providers.

Offshoring Accounts Receivable to LatAm vs. India vs. the Philippines: Summary

Here is a quick comparison of the three offshoring regions in terms of language proficiency, cultural compatibility with US businesses, government support, specialized skills, and cost.

Overview of the LatAm Accounts Receivable Talent Pool

LatAm has increasingly become a favorable destination for businesses looking to offshore their accounts receivable functions. 

With a diverse and growing talent pool, LatAm offers a wide range of advantages that make outsourcing there a strategic move, including multilingual capabilities, cultural similarities with US businesses, and supportive government policies.

Language proficiency in LatAm

Language proficiency is crucial when considering an offshore region for accounts receivable services. In LatAm, Spanish and Portuguese are the dominant languages. 

However, countries like Argentina and Costa Rica have acknowledged the importance of English in global business, leading to increased English education and training programs. 

Cultural compatibility in LatAm

LatAm offers a high degree of cultural compatibility with US businesses. Shared business hours due to time zone similarities facilitate seamless communication and real-time collaboration. Additionally, many LatAm countries have adopted business practices and corporate cultures similar to those in the US, creating a natural synergy.

Government support for outsourcing in LatAm

In LatAm, several governments have implemented business-friendly policies and initiatives to attract foreign investment in outsourcing. Countries like Mexico offer tax incentives, relaxed regulations, and robust infrastructure to support outsourcing. 

Specialized skills available in LatAm

One of the key considerations for offshoring accounts receivable is the availability of specialized skills. LatAm boasts a growing pool of skilled professionals with expertise in finance and business services. 

Education systems in many LatAm countries are increasingly focusing on producing graduates with strong backgrounds in accounting, finance, and related fields. 

Additionally, the region has a burgeoning fintech sector, further driving the development of financial expertise.

Overview of the Indian Accounts Receivable Talent Pool

India has long been recognized as a global hub for outsourcing a wide array of business processes, including accounts receivable services. 

Known for its cost-effective labor market, large English-speaking population, and significant government support for the outsourcing sector, India offers a highly attractive environment for offshoring accounting.

Language proficiency in India

India’s language proficiency is one of its standout features in the global outsourcing landscape. English is an official language in India and is widely used in business, education, and governmental affairs. 

This high level of English proficiency helps ensure clear and effective communication between offshore teams and their US clients. However, there are offshoring regions where English proficiency is higher, like Argentina and Honduras.

Cultural compatibility in India

Indian professionals are well versed in US business practices and etiquette, thanks to extensive exposure to international markets and long-standing relationships with global companies. 

However, there can still be notable cultural differences in work approaches and business communication styles.

Government support for outsourcing in India

The Indian government has been highly supportive of the outsourcing industry, recognizing its significant contribution to the country’s economy. Various initiatives and policies have been implemented to bolster the outsourcing sector. 

These include tax incentives, relaxed regulations, and investment in world-class infrastructure and technology parks. 

Programs such as “Make in India” and “Digital India” further enhance the business environment, making it easier for foreign companies to set up and operate their offshore accounts receivable services in India.

Specialized skills available in India

India is renowned for its large pool of highly educated and skilled professionals. The country produces a vast number of graduates with degrees in finance, accounting, and related fields from esteemed institutions annually. 

This ensures a consistent supply of talent with the specialized skills required for accounts receivable management. 

Overview of the Philippine Accounts Receivable Talent Pool

The Philippines has cemented its reputation as one of the top global destinations for outsourcing, particularly in customer service and financial services. 

The country’s impressive language proficiency, cultural alignment with US businesses, strong governmental support, and well-established specialized skills make it an excellent choice for offshoring accounting.

Language proficiency in the Philippines

One of the most striking advantages of the Philippines as an outsourcing destination is its high level of English proficiency. English is one of the official languages of the country and is widely used in business, education, and daily interactions. 

The Philippines consistently ranks high on global indices for English language proficiency, making it one of the most capable non-native English-speaking countries for business operations.

Cultural compatibility in the Philippines

Cultural compatibility is another strong suit of the Philippines. The country has a long history of US influence, which has shaped its business practices, educational systems, and cultural norms. 

This close alignment manifests in a workforce familiar with and adaptable to US business standards and practices, despite being in a significantly different time zone.

The country’s cultural similarities, coupled with its focus on customer-oriented service, make it easier for US businesses to integrate and collaborate effectively with their offshore teams.

Government support for outsourcing in the Philippines

The Philippine government has been proactive in fostering a supportive environment for the outsourcing industry. Recognizing its vital role in the country’s economy, the government has introduced several initiatives to attract and retain foreign businesses. 

These initiatives include tax incentives, streamlined regulatory processes, and significant investments in infrastructure and technology. 

Programs such as the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) offer benefits like tax holidays and duty-free importation of capital equipment, making it more attractive for companies to offshore their operations to the Philippines.

Specialized skills available in the Philippines

The Philippines offers a well-educated and skilled workforce, particularly in business, finance, and accounting services. 

Many professionals in the country have degrees from reputable universities and possess certifications and training that are internationally recognized, making them well prepared to handle the complexities of accounts receivable functions. 

The country has also established a strong presence in the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry, nurturing a deep pool of talent with industry experience in financial services, customer service, and back-office operations.

Comparison of Outsourcing Costs in LatAm, India, and the Philippines

When evaluating the cost of outsourcing accounts receivable services to different regions, it’s important to consider not just the raw labor costs but also other associated expenses, such as effective collaboration, cultural alignment, and overall operational efficiency.

All three of these regions can provide cost-effective solutions for accounts receivable. But while it’s true that labor costs in India and the Philippines are generally lower than in LatAm, focusing solely on these face-value expenses can be misleading.

Labor costs

Here’s a more detailed look at the expected salaries in each region and how certain factors can influence overall costs.


Labor costs in LatAm are typically higher than in India and the Philippines, at $22,000 for an accounts receivable salary. However, this difference often correlates with a higher quality of service and better cultural fit with US businesses. 

Countries like Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia offer competitive rates for highly skilled accounts receivable professionals. Additionally, the cost difference is often offset by the benefits of closer time zone alignment and cultural similarities.


India is renowned for its cost-effective labor market. The average salary of accounts receivable professionals in India is among the lowest globally, usually between $3,500 and $6,500 annually, a major factor attracting businesses looking to reduce expenses. 

However, the lower cost of labor should be balanced against potential challenges in cultural alignment and time zone differences, which can sometimes impede seamless collaboration.

The Philippines

The Philippines offers labor costs that are competitive and often comparable to India. Cost effectiveness, high English proficiency, and strong cultural compatibility with the US make the Philippines an attractive option for many businesses. 

While the base annual salaries for accounts receivable professionals are low, around $6,400, the efficiencies gained from better communication and cultural fit can provide significant long-term savings.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right region to offshore your accounts receivable services is a critical decision that can significantly influence your business’s operational efficiency, cost savings, and overall success. 

For many businesses, LatAm offers the ideal balance of cost efficiency and cultural and time zone alignment.

Near specializes in recruiting top-tier talent from LatAm and offers comprehensive support throughout the hiring process to ensure your business benefits from these advantages.

By leveraging our expertise, you can access a skilled and culturally compatible workforce that aligns seamlessly with your operational needs.

Ready to discover why LatAm might be the perfect fit for your accounts receivable offshoring needs? Learn more in our article on why hundreds of other US companies are already hiring LatAm talent.

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