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IT Staff Augmentation

What Is IT Staff Augmentation and How Can It Benefit Your Business?

Check out our guide to IT staff augmentation, which explores its benefits, its challenges, and how it differs from other outsourcing models.

What Is IT Staff Augmentation and How Can It Benefit Your Business?


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Key Takeaways

  1. IT staff augmentation is an outsourcing approach that serves as an alternative to hiring permanent in-house IT staff, offering benefits like a faster hiring process, a high level of flexibility, and access to a wider talent pool.
  2. To follow this strategy successfully, you must identify your skill gaps, choose the right IT staff augmentation provider, assess and select the most qualified candidate, integrate them into your team, and monitor and manage their activities.
  3. The IT staff augmentation strategy differs from other models of outsourcing, such as business process outsourcing, consulting, and project outsourcing, in terms of the duration of engagement, the focus and scope of the outsourcing,  and the share of responsibility and control between the hiring company and the outsourcing provider.

Between sourcing, screening, interviewing, and onboarding, hiring a full-time employee takes a lot of time and resources that aren’t always available. But what if you only need help for a little while?

Many companies face technical projects that require specific advanced skills or additional personnel to complete on time, but they may not have the need or means to hire more in-house staff. 

IT staff augmentation is a flexible strategy that enables you to enhance your existing workforce on an as-needed basis without a long-term commitment.

This article will examine how IT staff augmentation works, its strategic importance, benefits and challenges you may experience, and the different roles you can outsource with this model.

We’ll also explore some tips on choosing the right provider for your business and the differences between IT staff augmentation and other outsourcing models. 

What Is IT Staff Augmentation and Its Strategic Importance?

IT staff augmentation is an outsourcing strategy that enables you to hire and directly manage remote tech talent. These external contractors supplement your in-house IT staff, either on a short- or long-term basis, depending on project demands and business goals. 

The staff augmentation process typically involves collaborating with a staffing agency that has access to a vast pool of IT professionals with a range of expertise. You select individuals with the specific skill set needed to fill the gaps in your existing tech team.

It could be as simple as hiring one remote developer or as complex as assembling a team of mixed-skill professionals. 

Roles Commonly Outsourced in IT Staff Augmentation

Here’s a look at some of the most commonly outsourced roles in IT staff augmentation:

  • Software developers: Specialized developers can be brought in to build, expand, or improve software applications.
  • Web designers and developers: These creative and technical professionals can help create or enhance a company’s online presence.
  • IT support specialists: This role is responsible for maintaining and improving IT systems, providing technical support, and ensuring IT infrastructure operates smoothly.
  • Quality assurance analysts: These detail-oriented experts are crucial for software testing and ensuring that products are reliable, user-friendly, and free from bugs prior to release.
  • Network engineers: This role involves setting up, evaluating, and maintaining networks, ensuring secure and fluid data communication within and outside the company.
  • Data scientists and analysts: These technical professionals are essential for analyzing data, deriving insights, and contributing to informed decision-making processes.
  • Cybersecurity experts: Given the increasing importance of data security, cybersecurity experts are often sought after to address vulnerabilities and protect against cyberthreats.
  • Cloud computing specialists: As businesses move toward cloud-based solutions, these professionals manage and optimize cloud infrastructure and services.
  • Mobile application developers: Mobile developers skilled in iOS or Android platforms are commonly augmented to design and build applications for smartphones and tablets.
  • UI/UX designers: User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) designers create intuitive and appealing interfaces for various digital products.

These roles reflect the varied specializations within the IT sector and potential augmentation avenues. 

How Does IT Staff Augmentation Work?

IT staff augmentation follows a relatively straightforward process with a few key steps:

1. Identify your needs

First, identify the gaps in your current team’s capabilities or the extra resources needed to support new or ongoing projects. These could be specific technical skills, experience levels, or the number of extra hands required.

2. Partner with an augmentation provider

Once the need is established, seek an IT staff augmentation partner. These providers maintain a pool of pre-vetted IT talent and can help with interviewing, onboarding, and payment processing. 

3. Select candidates

The staffing agency presents a selection of candidates who fit the specified criteria. You then review the candidates’ qualifications, experience, and fit for the project.

4. Conduct interviews and make a selection

Conduct interviews and select the most suitable candidates. While the staffing agency might conduct preliminary screenings, the ultimate hiring decision lies with your company.

5. Integrate the new hire into the team

Integrate newly hired IT professionals into your existing team. While they are external remote workers, they work under the same business processes and project management as in-house employees.

6. Manage and oversee their work

You manage and directly oversee the augmented staff’s day-to-day activities. This highlights a key difference between staff augmentation and project outsourcing—complete control over the delivered work remains within you, not the agency.

Benefits of IT Staff Augmentation

The IT staff augmentation model offers several compelling benefits for businesses looking to scale their capabilities or fill in skill gaps:

Access to new expertise

Through IT staff augmentation, you can access a global talent pool that is not limited by geographic boundaries. This wide selection ensures you can find the precise skill set and experience level your team lacks.

Cost effectiveness

Augmentation can be more cost effective than hiring full-time employees, as it eliminates many overhead costs, such as benefits, office space, and (some) training.

You can save even more if you hire IT staff based in locations with lower salary expectations than the US, such as Latin America.

Flexibility and scalability

You can swiftly scale your technical team up or down in response to project requirements or market fluctuations, providing invaluable business agility.

Faster hiring

Staff augmentation allows you to quickly onboard specialists without the lengthy recruitment and hiring process required for full-time employees, which has reached an all-time high of 44 days.

Integration and control

Augmented staff work as part of your in-house team, allowing you to retain full control over project management and decision-making.

Challenges of IT Staff Augmentation

While IT staff augmentation offers significant advantages, there are also challenges that you must navigate:

Cultural fit

Ensuring that externally sourced staff can seamlessly integrate into the existing company culture and team dynamics can be challenging.

Implement a thorough onboarding process that includes cultural training to align external staff with company values and practices.

Communication and collaboration

Managing remote workers—especially across different time zones—requires robust communication strategies to ensure effective collaboration.

Use communication tools and establish clear communication protocols, including regular check-ins and updates, to ensure seamless teamwork across locations.

Quality assurance

Maintaining the same level of quality can be an issue, as external staff might not have the same vested interest in the company’s long-term success as full-time employees.

Set well-defined expectations and quality benchmarks from the outset and conduct regular performance reviews to maintain high work standards.

Onboarding and training

Even temporary staff require a certain level of onboarding to understand the company’s processes and standards, which can be time-consuming.

Streamline the onboarding process with targeted training materials and quick integration techniques to efficiently get augmented staff up to speed.


Overreliance on augmented staff for critical functions can become a vulnerability if the relationship is not managed effectively, especially regarding knowledge transfer and proprietary processes.

Safeguard critical knowledge by documenting processes and maintaining an internal skills repository to reduce reliance on any single external resource.

How To Choose the Right IT Staff Augmentation Provider

Working with the right partner is crucial for success with the IT staff augmentation approach. Here’s a handy checklist for choosing the right IT staff augmentation partner:

  • Identify the specific skills and knowledge necessary for your project.
  • Determine the number of hires and the level of experience required.
  • Look for providers with a solid track record and positive client testimonials.
  • Confirm the provider’s resources are up to date with the latest technologies and methodologies.
  • Ensure the provider speaks your team’s language fluently to avoid communication barriers.
  • Review the provider’s past projects to gauge their experience and success in similar tasks.
  • Find out if the provider offers various engagement models for different project scales and lengths.
  • Compare pricing models between providers to find a cost-effective solution
  • Consider the potential for a long-term partnership for future staffing needs.

By systematically going through this checklist, you can select an IT staff augmentation company that not only fulfills your current needs but can also be a viable partner for future growth and development.

Differences Between IT Staff Augmentation and Other Outsourcing Models

IT staff augmentation differs from other outsourcing models in several key ways. Here’s a look at how they compare.

Each outsourcing model holds its own set of characteristics and ideal use cases. IT staff augmentation is uniquely valuable for businesses that need to retain managerial control and seamlessly integrate extra manpower into their existing workflows.

Final Thoughts

IT staff augmentation can be a fast and flexible solution to your talent needs if you need an alternative to hiring full-time staff.

By carefully choosing the right IT staff augmentation partner, you can effectively bridge any talent gaps and propel your business forward without the overhead associated with permanent hires.

If you’re ready to dynamically scale your IT workforce and seamlessly integrate top-tier tech talent into your operations, book a free, no-commitment call with Near. We can help you hire a technically skilled professional from our pool of over 35,000 candidates within 21 days.

Let’s bridge your talent gaps together and turn your visions into victories.

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