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Learn about the role of a hubspot expert

What Is a HubSpot Expert? (Plus Where You Can Find One)

Learn about HubSpot experts and where to hire one to help your business maximize inbound marketing and customer relationship management.

What Is a HubSpot Expert? (Plus Where You Can Find One)


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For nearly two decades, HubSpot has been synonymous with online marketing, sales, and customer management. Their tools are designed to streamline businesses’ inbound marketing efforts, making it easier to attract, engage, and delight customers.

But as they have grown and expanded, the ecosystem of HubSpot platforms and software has become increasingly complex. Today, companies often require specialized expertise to leverage HubSpot’s full potential. 

This article will explain what a HubSpot expert is, what they do, and where to find one. We’ll also cover what to include in a HubSpot expert job description to increase your chances of finding the perfect candidate. 

What Is a HubSpot Expert?

A HubSpot expert is a professional with a deep understanding and proficiency in using HubSpot’s suite of tools. They are not just familiar with the basic functions of HubSpot; they know how to optimize and implement HubSpot’s system to meet specific business objectives. 

They can be consultants, agency professionals, or in-house team members who have dedicated time to mastering the various functionalities and best practices within the HubSpot ecosystem.

Their expertise typically includes, but is not limited to, the following HubSpot software:

  • HubSpot CRM: Helps businesses organize, track, and nurture relationships with customers and potential clients. It centralizes customer data and interactions to help teams stay coordinated and deliver personalized experiences.
  • Marketing Hub: Streamlines a company’s marketing efforts by making setting up marketing automations easy. It includes features for attracting visitors, converting leads, and managing inbound marketing campaigns. 
  • Sales Hub: A suite of sales tools integrated within the HubSpot CRM to help with your sales process. It helps manage sales pipelines, automate tasks, schedule meetings, track emails, and close deals more efficiently.
  • Service Hub: Provides tools for connecting with customers, managing their inquiries and issues, and meeting customer service goals. It includes ticketing systems, knowledge bases, and customer feedback surveys.
  • HubSpot CMS: Allows businesses to create and manage their website content. It’s designed for personalization and conversion optimization, offering tools for creating website pages, blog posts, and landing pages that can be tailored for different visitors.

HubSpot experts also stay informed about the latest updates and features, ensuring they can provide relevant and up-to-date advice. 

They often hold one or multiple HubSpot Academy certifications, which are industry-recognized qualifications showing that an individual has completed courses and passed exams related to different aspects of the platform.

Hubspot expert working on her client's website

What Does a HubSpot Expert Do?

A HubSpot expert typically engages in various tasks to maximize the benefits of HubSpot’s tools for their clients or employer. Here are some common responsibilities:

Implementation and integration

Implementation includes integrating HubSpot with other software and systems, such as email services, social media platforms, or customer relationship management systems, ensuring seamless data flow and functionality.

Customization and optimization

A HubSpot expert can customize dashboards, create specific reports, set up workflows, and ensure the tools are optimized for the most efficient use, leading to better data management and decision-making.

Expert guidance and training

Experts train other employees or team members to help them effectively use HubSpot. They also offer ongoing guidance, answering questions and solving problems that users may encounter, ensuring that the whole team can leverage HubSpot effectively.

Strategy development

They can develop a comprehensive inbound marketing or sales strategy using HubSpot tools. This includes leading campaign development, automating marketing efforts, segmenting leads, and executing tactics that nurture leads through the sales funnel.

Performance analysis

HubSpot experts monitor, analyze, and report on the performance of marketing and sales activities. They use analytics and reporting tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs), measure the success of campaigns, and advise on areas for improvement.

Where Can You Find a HubSpot Expert?

If you’re looking to bring a HubSpot expert on board to improve your business’s use of these valuable tools, there are several places to begin your search:

Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies specializing in finding marketing talent can help you find qualified HubSpot experts for temporary and permanent roles. For example, our talent pool at Near includes pre-vetted, highly skilled marketing candidates, including professionals skilled in using HubSpot. Specialized recruiters know what skills to look for and how to evaluate a candidate’s experience to find that perfect fit. 

HubSpot solutions partner directory

HubSpot has an official solutions directory to find certified agencies specializing in HubSpot services. These partners are categorized by their tier (Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Elite), which indicates the level of expertise and success they’ve brought to previous HubSpot clients. 

Engaging a partner from this directory ensures high-level proficiency in HubSpot’s tools and strategies.

Freelance marketplaces

Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Toptal are excellent places to find freelance marketers, including HubSpot experts. 

These platforms allow you to post your project requirements, review proposals from freelancers, and view profiles that often include portfolios, client feedback, and ratings. You can even filter candidates based on their HubSpot experience and certifications.

HubSpot community and networking events

The HubSpot Community is an interactive platform where users can ask questions, learn, and share their expertise about the HubSpot software. 

Networking events, both virtual and in-person, such as HubSpot User Groups (HUGs) or inbound marketing conferences, can also be valuable places to meet and connect with HubSpot experts who are open to new opportunities.

A business owner writing a job description to hire a Hubspot expert

What Should You Include in a HubSpot Expert Job Description?

When writing a job description for a HubSpot expert, make sure to include the following elements to ensure clarity and attract the right candidates:

  • Job title: Begin with a clear and precise title encapsulating the role. Use industry-standard titles that candidates are likely to search for, such as “HubSpot Implementation Specialist” or “Inbound Marketing Expert.” 
  • Company overview: Describe your company in a way that captures its essence, mission, and culture. This helps candidates gauge how well they might fit in.
  • Role objective: Summarize the main goal of the position. Explain how the candidate’s contributions will support the broader business strategy.
  • Primary responsibilities: Detail the core duties and expectations. Focus on what they will be doing on a day-to-day basis. For example, “developing content strategies,” “collaborating with our sales teams,” or “developing training content for the marketing team.”
  • Skills and qualifications: List the technical skills and professional qualifications necessary for the job, like “Strong proficiency in HubSpot CRM and digital marketing methodologies.”
  • Preferred experience: Discuss any industry or specialist experience that will be beneficial. Be specific about the background in marketing you are looking for. This could be something like, “We favor candidates with a background in B2B marketing and a track record of successful SEO campaign management using HubSpot tools and Google Analytics.”
  • Education: Mention any necessary educational background. This could include HubSpot Academy certifications specific to your goals (e.g., email marketing or content marketing). 
  • Personal attributes: Reflect on the character and interpersonal skills that would help the person succeed. Soft skills can sometimes be just as important as technical experience.
  • Benefits and compensation: Offer a transparent outline of what the candidate will receive, including a salary range, healthcare packages, retirement plan options, or paid leave.

The job description should craft a compelling narrative that describes not just the responsibilities and requirements of the role but also why a candidate would want to join your team and how they can grow with your company.

For help creating this narrative, try out our Free Job Description Generator, which can be customized to any role. 

Final Thoughts

With over 165,000 marketing professionals certified through the HubSpot Academy, there’s talent out there who can leverage HubSpot’s diverse toolkit to elevate your online presence and customer interaction. However, finding the right fit for your business needs can still be challenging.

At Near, we’re committed to finding you a candidate and ensuring they’re the right fit for your company’s culture and goals. We can help you source, vet, hire, and onboard the ideal HubSpot expert—all within 21 days.

Say goodbye to long recruitment cycles and hello to your new HubSpot maestro. Book a free no-commitment consultation with Near today.

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