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Nearshore BPO Companies

Top 20 Nearshore Business Process Outsourcing Companies

Explore our list of the top 20 nearshore business process outsourcing companies and find a partner to help grow your business.

Top 20 Nearshore Business Process Outsourcing Companies


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Key Takeaways

  1. Nearshore BPO refers to outsourcing business processes to third-party providers in nearby countries, which offers cost efficiency, time-zone alignment, and geographical proximity.
  2. Companies commonly outsource roles such as customer support, accounting, software engineering, recruitment, marketing, and data analysis to nearshore BPO providers.
  3. Nearshore outsourcing offers significant savings in overhead costs by providing access to high-quality talent at lower labor costs, thanks to the lower cost of living in Latin American countries.

As a company grows, operations become more complex, with functions like payroll, customer service, and data management demanding increased attention and resources. When those resources aren’t already available in-house, the cost of expanding the internal team can be prohibitive. 

One of the most cost-effective ways to manage this growing need is through business process outsourcing (BPO). Third-party firms have the resources, personnel, and expertise to handle your non-core functions. 

Nearshore BPO is particularly attractive for US companies because it combines cost efficiency, cultural similarity, and geographical proximity. We’ve curated a list of 20 nearshore business process outsourcing companies to help you find a fit. But first, let’s explore how it works and the benefits you can expect. 

What Is Nearshore Business Process Outsourcing?

Nearshore BPO refers to delegating certain functions to third-party providers  in a nearby country. For US companies, that might be nearshore locations like Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, and so on. 

Unlike offshore outsourcing, where the service provider can be halfway around the world, nearshoring typically means shared time zones, cultural traits, and even linguistic overlap. 

You can outsource a wide range of roles to nearshore BPO providers.

Some of the key functions companies outsource to nearshore countries are:

  • Customer support
  • Accounting
  • Software engineering
  • Recruitment
  • Marketing
  • Data analysis

BPO providers not only take on these essential functions but also bring specialized expertise, advanced technology, and dedicated personnel to ensure high-quality service.

Benefits of Nearshore Outsourcing

Nearshore outsourcing offers several advantages that make it attractive to US businesses. 

Access to a large, skilled workforce

There are significant worker shortages in the US, with only around 50% of professional and business services roles filled. That number goes even lower for financial positions, and it is still lower for skilled developers. 

Expanding your talent pool to include nearby countries by working with a nearshore BPO firm or independent contractor allows you to get the highly qualified talent you need. 

Proximity and time-zone alignment

Geographical proximity ensures that your nearshore BPO partners are in similar or closely aligned time zones. This facilitates real-time collaboration, faster communication, and simplified project management. 

Seamless coordination is especially crucial for functions that require immediate attention, such as customer service and tech support. 

In contrast, offshore providers usually can’t offer this real-time collaboration as they will be working hours that don’t align with US business hours. 

Cultural affinity

Cultural similarities can significantly enhance collaboration between your business and the outsourced team. Shared values and language skills contribute to better understanding, smoother communication, and a more cohesive workflow. This cultural alignment can lead to higher productivity and fewer conflicts. 

Cost savings and competitive pricing

Nearshore outsourcing is generally more cost-effective than hiring locally or sometimes even offshoring to distant regions. 

But lower labor costs do not come at the expense of quality—you can still get the highly qualified talent you need.

Due to the lower cost of living in Latin American(LatAm) countries, salary expectations are more reasonable. Hiring top talent simply costs less than it does in the US. This helps businesses reduce operational expenses while maintaining high service standards.

Top 20 Nearshore Business Process Outsourcing Companies to Consider

Below is our curated list of the top 20 nearshore business process outsourcing companies, presented in no particular order. Each company has its own strengths and unique value, making it worth considering. 

While some companies specialize in specific nearshore BPO services like software development, others offer recruitment services to find the BPO providers you need.

This diverse set of options ensures you’ll find a partner that aligns with your objectives. 

1. Near

That’s right, it’s us! We’re putting ourselves first because we love helping companies outsource roles to nearshore talent in LatAm. Near is a full-service recruitment BPO company that can connect you with experienced professionals in roles like:

  • Finance and accounting
  • Customer support
  • Operations
  • Virtual assistance
  • Sales and marketing
  • IT
  • Data management
  • Engineering

In under 21 days, we’ll find, hire, and onboard a remote team member to unburden your in-house teams and expand your business capacity. 

But we don’t just help you fill roles. We also help you save up 70% over hiring US-based talent—without sacrificing quality. 

2. Distillery

Distillery is a leading nearshore BPO provider known for its comprehensive suite of IT services. The company specializes in skilled software developers and IT professionals who seamlessly integrate with your team. 

3. Novatech

Offering solutions ranging from software development to customer support, Novatech focuses on building scalable, efficient operations for its clients. The firm is particularly known for its custom approaches, designed to meet each business’s unique challenges. 

4. Gorilla Logic

Gorilla Logic stands out for its strong emphasis on agile development. The company provides high-quality software development services, and its agile teams are a great fit for enterprises looking to stay flexible and responsive in a fast-paced market. 

5. BairesDev

BairesDev is a nearshore outsourcing solutions giant renowned for its rigorous talent acquisition process. It connects US businesses with some of the top engineers and developers in Latin America. 

6. NativApps

NativApps provides a wide range of BPO services, including mobile development, e-commerce support, and user experience (UX) design. Its holistic approach offers both recruitment and training services to ensure employees are fully prepared for client expectations. 

7. Improving

Improving is a modern digital services company focused on delivering results through innovation. Specializing in IT consulting and software development, Improving uses a collaborative approach to enhance business performance. 

8. Belatrix (Globant)

Belatrix, now a division of Globant, is known for its exceptional software development and IT services. With a vast pool of talent and expertise in diverse industries and technologies, it can offer tailored solutions. 

9. Teravision Technologies

Known for its rigorous project management and skilled workforce, Teravision ensures that projects are delivered on time and within budget. Their broad service catalog and customized solutions make them a reliable nearshore outsourcing partner. 

10. Sparq

Sparq, (formerly Octobot) focuses on web and mobile app development, using blended teams of US and LatAm-based talent. They have six “studios,” each covering one segment of the application. Product design, software engineering, data engineering, quality, SRE, and product delivery cover everything from ideation to launch. 

11. Admios

Admios provides custom software development and consulting services. With a strong focus on building long-term relationships, they target complex projects like generative AI, machine learning, and data science. 

12. Huenei

Huenei is a versatile nearshore BPO provider offering IT consulting, software development and project management. They have been operating for more than 25 years and have three delivery centers.

13. Neocoast

Neocoast call themselves “curious minds that can’t stop creating.” The company offers BPO services for web development, quality assurance, and product discovery, among other things. They even provide free project estimates before anyone is hired. 

14. Ci&T

A massive software development firm, Ci&T has the resources to take on projects like future prototyping and sustainability in diverse industries and locations. With past clients like Google and Motorola, they are trusted with significant tasks at top brands. 

15. Softtek

Softtek is one of the largest and most established nearshore IT service providers in Latin America. It employs over 15,000 associates and has experience in every industry, from gaming to oil and gas. 

16. 10Pearls

10Pearls is a digital transformation company that uses AI to streamline their clients’ operations. Its focus on innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction makes it a strong contender for businesses looking to enhance their digital capabilities through nearshore outsourcing.

17. Encora

Encora is a technology solutions provider known for its focus on product engineering. With a robust nearshore delivery model, Encora leverages its extensive experience in software development, data analytics, and machine learning to help businesses achieve their strategic goals. 

18. 3Pillar

3Pillar builds high-quality software products for its clients. They specialize in everything from product strategy to engineering and support, driven by a deeply ingrained agile methodology.

19. Vates

Vates’ expertise spans across custom software development, agile outsourcing, and IT staffing. What sets them apart is a focus on open communication and their rigorous quality assurance processes, ensuring that each project not only meets but exceeds client expectations.

20. Codebay

Codebay’s skilled professionals excel in crafting custom software solutions with modern technology to address specific business challenges. Their scalable solutions make them a trusted partner for companies seeking to innovate.

How to Find the Ideal Nearshore Outsourcing Company for Your Business

Selecting the right nearshore outsourcing services company can be challenging, given how many there are. Here are some tips to help you find the ideal partner:

Clearly define your project requirements

Start by clearly defining the scope, objectives, and deliverables of your project. Outline the specific skills and competencies you need. Having a well-defined set of requirements will help you narrow down your options.

Assess their areas of expertise and experience

Review the areas of specialization and expertise of potential nearshore outsourcing companies. Look for a partner with a proven track record in the skills and services you need. Consider their experience in your industry and the types of projects they have successfully completed to ensure they can meet your specific demands.

Check the project management tools they use

Effective project management is critical for the success of any outsourcing engagement. Assess the tools and methodologies used by the outsourcing firm. 

Ensure they employ modern, agile practices that facilitate collaboration, transparency, and efficient delivery. Tools like Jira, Trello, or Asana can provide valuable insights into their project management capabilities.

Review infrastructure and security measures

Evaluate the company’s technological infrastructure and data security measures to ensure they comply with industry standards and best practices. This is particularly important if you’ll be sharing sensitive information or proprietary data. Confirm that they have robust cybersecurity protocols in place to protect your assets.

Look for proof of past success

Don’t hesitate to ask for case studies, references, or client testimonials that demonstrate the success of their past projects. Reviewing these can provide valuable insights into their reliability, quality of work, and client satisfaction. Companies with a history of successful engagements are more likely to deliver the results you seek.

Final Thoughts

Nearshore BPO presents an opportunity for US companies seeking to streamline operations and reduce costs. 

By outsourcing business functions to highly skilled talent in LatAm, you can benefit from shared time zones, cultural alignment, and competitive pricing without compromising on quality. 

Our list of the top 20 nearshore BPO companies gives you a starting point to find the right partner for your needs, whether in customer support, software engineering, or other critical functions. 

Choosing the right nearshore business process outsourcing company can significantly impact your business’s efficiency, productivity, and growth. 

Ready to explore how nearshore outsourcing can benefit your business?

Book a free, no-commitment call with Near today to discuss how we can help you find the top talent you need to grow your business.

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