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Guide to Outsourcing Java Development

How To Outsource Java Development: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to outsource Java development with 6 steps, including the pros and cons of outsourcing and where to find Java talent.

How To Outsource Java Development: A Step-by-Step Guide


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Finding skilled software developers is a challenge. The United States faces a talent shortage of developers, magnified by the expanding number of popular programming languages and specialties that are now required in the tech industry. 

Java (not to be mistaken for its similarly named but very distant cousin, Javascript) remains one of the most-used languages by enterprise, SMB, and startup organizations.

To find skilled Java developers, many companies are now resorting to outsourcing. This approach not only provides access to a vast talent pool but also helps in cost reduction.

Still, it can be challenging to know where to start, especially for critical roles. This article will examine how to outsource Java development effectively, with tips on finding a perfect partner.

What Are Outsourced Java Development Services?

Outsourced Java development services are services provided by third-party firms or contractors to businesses when they need Java development tasks or projects completed. The service providers are typically software development agencies or contractors specialized in Java programming, web development, or mobile application development. 

These agencies or individuals might be based in the US or abroad, and their services usually include:

  • Customized Java-based applications
  • Web and mobile application development
  • Game development
  • Enterprise application development
  • Software solutions
  • Testing
  • Support
  • Maintenance

These experienced developers take your project requirements, whether creating an application from scratch or maintaining an existing one, and execute them using their own resources.

What Are the Pros of Java Development Outsourcing?

Like any other outsourcing strategy, Java development comes with several advantages:

Cost and time savings

By outsourcing Java development, companies significantly reduce the overhead costs of managing an in-house development team. This includes savings on:

  • salaries
  • benefits
  • training
  • infrastructure
  • software licensing
  • and other development costs

Outsourcing isn’t just a cost-effective solution; it also saves time as you don’t need to spend time on hiring and training new employees. The outsourced team usually has its own tools and resources available and is ready to start working immediately. 

An experienced and dedicated team can also often reduce your time to market.

Access to skilled developers

Java development is a specialized field, so it can be challenging to find skilled developers, especially in areas with a tech talent shortage. By outsourcing, you can access a wider pool of expert Java developers.

Regions like Latin America have emerged as hotspots for tech talent, with high-quality developers available to work at favorable rates. Additionally, by working with developers in Latin America, you can coordinate easily within standard US working hours.

Flexibility and scalability

Being agile and adaptable is crucial for modern business. When you outsource, it’s easy to scale your team up or down based on changing requirements. 

This means you can adjust your resources to match your current business situation, which is more challenging when you have full-time in-house developers.

If the scope of a project changes dramatically, an outsourced team of developers can handle the change more effectively. You can add additional developers or reduce the team size as needed without long-term consequences like severance or office space costs.

Focus on core competencies

Outsourcing Java development lets your in-house team focus on your primary core business activities and strategic initiatives. Rather than spending time on tasks outside their skill set, your team can concentrate on areas where they excel and drive value for your company.

Tired java developer resting face down on his work table

What Are the Cons of Outsourcing Java Development?

Without the perfect partner, outsourcing does have some potential downsides. Those include:

Communication challenges

Incompatible work cultures, language barriers, and time-zone differences can sometimes lead to miscommunication. This might result in:

  • Project delays
  • Misinterpreted requirements
  • Unsatisfactory deliverables

For this reason, choosing an outsourced team with a proven track record of good communication is crucial. Nearshoring to countries in similar time zones and with high levels of English fluency can help mitigate some of these issues.

Quality control

When you outsource, you might lose some control over the quality of the work. Since the team is working remotely and not an integrated part of your company, overseeing their work can be challenging. 

To mitigate this, set clear expectations, provide detailed requirements, choose a reputable service provider, and maintain regular check-ins to ensure quality is up to par.

Data security and confidentiality

Outsourcing Java development can potentially expose sensitive company information. The risk of data breaches and intellectual property (IP) theft can’t be completely eliminated, particularly when working with offshore teams in regions with lax data security laws.

Luckily, IP protections in treaties like the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) can provide protection.

Nonetheless, to address this concern, companies should implement stringent data security protocols and ensure the outsourcing provider complies with international data protection standards such as the ISO 27001.

Dependency on external providers

No business wants to give up control. The risk of becoming dependent on external providers increases when you outsource too many functions. 

This can be problematic if the external supplier experiences difficulties or decides to increase prices. It can also complicate transitioning back to an internal team, if necessary.

It’s crucial to have a contingency plan and not rely exclusively on one vendor.

Java Developer smiling working in a cafe

How To Outsource Java Development

If you are considering outsourcing Java development, here are some steps you can follow:

1. Define your project requirements

Before looking for an outsourcing partner, you must clearly understand and define your goal. This includes detailed specifications such as project type, desired features, target audience, timeline, and budget. 

For instance, if you want to develop an e-commerce website, your project requirements could look something like this:

  • Project type: E-commerce website for selling custom-designed t-shirts
  • Key features: User registration, online payment system, shopping cart, product catalog, customer ratings and reviews, chat feature for customer support, user-friendly interface for uploading custom designs
  • Target audience: 18–35 who are interested in personalized fashion
  • Project timeline: Design and development to be completed within six months from the start date
  • Budget: $15,000–$20,000
  • Additional requirements: Website must be responsive, mobile-friendly, SEO optimized, and secure

The more detail you can provide, the easier it will be for a potential outsourcing partner to provide an accurate estimate and project proposal.

2. Search and shortlist potential outsourcing partners

Next, start looking for outsourcing companies that offer Java development services.

When choosing potential partners, consider their portfolio, customer reviews, technical expertise, industry experience, communication skills, location, and rates. Shortlist about 3–5 companies for further evaluation.

For instance, Near specializes in finding the best Latin American talent. They could be a good choice to work with if you want access to top developers at a cost well below US-based developers. Near has a strong track record of filling IT and software development roles with talent with extensive Java development experience. 

3. Screening

After shortlisting potential partners, the next step is to thoroughly vet them. Request detailed proposals and arrange in-depth interviews or meetings to discuss your project. Ensure they understand your project requirements clearly and can deliver within your time and budget constraints.

Screening questions might include:

  1. Can you provide examples of similar Java projects you’ve worked on?
  2. What is your approach to project management and communication?
  3. How will you ensure the quality of code and on-time delivery?
  4. How do you handle data security and confidentiality?
  5. Can you provide client references from similar projects?
  6. How will you handle any potential changes that might come up during the project?

If working with a recruitment firm like Near to source your candidates, ask about their recruitment process, how they source, screen, and match, and what makes their developers stand out.

4. Assignment

Once you’ve found your perfect partner, assign them the project and provide them with detailed requirements and specifications.

5. Development

During the development of your project, regular updates and constant communication are key to ensuring the project stays on track and meets your requirements.

A good rule of thumb is to have weekly or bi-weekly check-ins, depending on the project’s complexity. This allows you to address any issues or changes promptly. Also, make sure you’re involved in the process of code reviews, quality assurance, and any critical decisions related to the project.

6. Handover and support

After a complete development process, the service provider should provide a thorough handover, including all the necessary documentation, codes, and instructions on using and managing the application. 

Ensure that the outsourcing partner also offers after-sales support and maintenance, as you might need their help in case of future bugs, upgrades, or enhancements. It’s also a good idea to ask about their warranty policy to fix bugs free of cost post-implementation.

team meeting with outsourced java development team

How To Manage an Outsourced Java Development Team

It is critical to remember that despite the work being outsourced, it isn’t a “set it and forget it” approach. Effective management of your outsourced Java development team is a key factor in project success. Here are some ways to help:

Specify your requirements

Being specific and direct in your communication is essential. 

Provide your outsourced Java development team with detailed instructions and expectations. Define clear project scope, milestones, deadlines, and deliverables from the outset. 

Changes, if necessary, should be communicated promptly to avoid misunderstandings and delays.

Establish communication channels

Regularly communicate with the team to keep up with their progress, address their queries, and ensure they understand your vision. 

Also, consider their concerns and be open to their ideas. Regular meetings, both formal and informal, can facilitate this.

Provide feedback 

Provide continuous feedback to your outsourced team with code reviews, testing, and feedback on project milestone deliverables. 

Don’t wait until the end of the project to share your thoughts. Constructive feedback helps your team understand what they are doing right and where to improve, enhancing their performance and productivity.

Use project management tools

Leveraging project management and collaboration tools can significantly streamline the work process. Tools like Jira, Trello, Slack, and Miro promote efficient task management, real-time communication, and transparency. 

Establish trust

Building trust is fundamental in outsourcing. Trust your outsourced team’s expertise and give them rein to work independently. Do not micromanage; instead, maintain a balance of authority. Regularly recognizing, celebrating, and appreciating hard work also fosters trust.

Provide training and support

Even though they are outsourced, your Java developers may require some training and support, especially regarding understanding your business, systems, and processes.

Ensure you have systems in place to offer this. Training them about your company culture can also help them feel like part of your team. This, in turn, can result in better productivity and a more satisfactory outcome.

São Paulo

What Are the Best Countries in Latin America To Outsource Java Development Projects To?

Depending on the specific needs of your project, several countries in Latin America have become popular choices for outsourcing Java development, including:


Brazil is the largest IT market in Latin America, making it an attractive place for outsourcing Java development. The country boasts a large number of highly skilled developers and is well-known for its strong tech education programs. 


Known for its well-educated and highly skilled workforce, Argentina is another excellent choice for outsourcing Java development. Argentine developers are known for their proficiency in English, making communication easy. The country has a booming tech scene, positioning it as a significant player in the IT outsourcing market. 


Chile’s tech scene is thriving thanks to the government’s strong support and initiatives aimed at transforming the country into a technology hub. 

This, combined with a high English proficiency among the workforce and quality higher education institutions, make Chile an attractive destination for outsourcing Java development.


In recent years, Colombia has made significant strides in its technology and innovation sector. It offers a large talented pool of IT professionals and is recognized for its creativity and talent diversity. The cost of living is also relatively low in Colombia, meaning so are salary expectations, making it a cost-effective destination for outsourcing.


Mexico’s geographical proximity to the US, compatible time zones, and cultural affinity make it a top choice for outsourcing Java development. Mexico has a highly skilled IT workforce, and its government is actively promoting the country as a global IT outsourcing destination. 

With strong tech education programs in place, Mexico’s tech talent pool continues to grow.

Final Thoughts

Outsourcing Java development can be a smart decision, especially in the face of a competitive tech market where finding high-quality IT talent can be challenging. By leveraging the expertise of regions like Latin America, you can not only ensure quality work but also significantly cut costs.

Interested in more insights into the IT talent pool and salary landscape in Latin America versus the US? Be sure to read more about the significant cost advantages and competitive IT salaries in our comprehensive salary guide.

For example, a full-stack developer in Latin America earns between $36,000 and $54,000, representing a potential savings of more than 56% when compared to US counterparts. 

This vast difference in salary (without compromising on the quality) makes it easy to outsource Java development to countries like Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. 

Book a free consultation call to discuss how we can help you find your next skilled Java developer.

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